

Office Location

1500 Harris Lane Warminster, PA 18974
Phone: (215) 672-8205
Fax: (800) 454-1032

History of Hatboro’s Cruise Night

During the 1960’s through the 1970’s, Hatboro, PA was the center of “cruising”  for motorheads and non-motorheads alike in the Montco/Bucks/Philadelphia area. “Cruising” loosely defined was slowly driving the heavily travelled York Road shopping district in your muscle car (or mom and dad’s beater car) on Friday and Saturday nights.  In addition to being a showplace for some of the hottest cars around, it was a great opportunity for young guys and girls to meet and socialize. Many lifelong friendships and some marriages have originated from our “cruising” days.

In 2015, it was the Tricentennial year of the Borough of Hatboro. The Greater Hatboro Chamber of Commerce was the organization charged with planning and implementing celebrations for the Tricentennial events with historical themes of the history of Hatboro. During the meetings, the committee identified one of the key events that was part of Borough history was “cruising” during the 60’s and 70’s and we proposed the idea of a “cruise night” to celebrate that part of history during that tricentennial year...

Since then, every spring and summer, the Greater Hatboro Chamber of Commerce has partnered with the Borough and several car clubs and Facebook groups such as the “Hatboro Cruisers”  to promote and continue to celebrate “cruising”.

As of 2023, Hatboro hosts a monthly “cruise night” every third Friday of the month, May through September. The cruise nights draw hundreds of cars and cruisers to the York Road area each month.

Also, the Greater Hatboro Chamber of Commerce organizes the annual "Moonlight Memories" car show on York Road in Hatboro, which takes place on the last Saturday of July. This show adds another layer of excitement to the festivities, allowing car enthusiasts to display their prized vehicles and share their passion with others.

Each year, a "Cruise Night" t-shirt is designed and sold to defer the costs incurred as a result of additionally required public services. The 2023 Cruise Night Shirt is designed by DJ Schultz of  Bright House Photography and provided by Curt Difurio of Top Results Promotions and Apparel. 

If your car club or other organization is looking for imprinted apparel, signs or car show products? Visit our site at

We hope you will stop by and celebrate all of the "cruising" events with us!

by: Curt Difurio

Office Location

1500 Harris Lane Warminster, PA 18974
Phone: (215) 672-8205
Fax: (800) 454-1032